Excessive drinking, fast food, chronic stress take over for 25 years and you don’t care… until you are about to die.
Shane got his second miracle chance to live and to go through liver transplant surgery, to start life all over again with a completely different mindset. He wanted to get healthier and lose 50 pounds in 6 months to the date of his annual check-up with a surgeon.
I met him in the gym where he decided to go every day as much as he can. When Shane told me that he was only 6 months post-surgery at the moment, I got shocked. Shane definitely needed help and guidance. As a Coach, I was and worried, and excited at the same time (not every day you work with serious cases like liver transplant). I was looking forward to seeing him change.
Every month we were getting little victories. Weight was going down, nutrition was becoming cleaner, fewer cheat days, deeper squats, stronger crunches, etc. Personally, I was excited about Shane’s blood work the most. Little by little quantity of medications was going down, most of them have been canceled. It was my inner professional thrive. I love medicine and science. Every case I worked with has given me great experience and knowledge, but Shane’s Journey was professionally priceless.
Time was going fast, but Shane’s results have been a bit faster. Instead of 50 pounds, Shane lost 61 pounds and successfully has been checked by his medical crew. Happier and Healthier he left me for a proudly deserved vacation trip.
Currently, Shane got back to work and supports his achieved results by taking CrossFit classes. I’m very proud of him and forever will be inspired by this story.